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Grade 9s make the transition to high school

Everyone experiences change differently, but for the new grade 9's the adjustment from grade 8 to grade 9 is similar.

Tori Luna Jackson, one of our new Lakers said, "Adjustment from BPS to BMLSS is better than I thought it would be. I found that the Link Crew leader members had a big help with my adjustment. Everyone seems very nice and friendly from the students to the staff to the custodians. And I can't wait to finish my high school education at BML. "

John Cousineau also said, "My adjustment from MMO to BML is going pretty good. Grade 9 is not what I thought it would be. The link crew members definitely helped make the first few days easier for me. The people here are a lot better than the ones from elementary school. They're way better here."

With everything going on at BML, we hope that our new grade nines don’t get lost in confusion. Even just a smile in the hallway can turn their bad day into a good one. Hopefully this is just how next year’s minor niners feel about BML too.

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