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Dawn Novak delivers message about healthy relationships

On October 27, Dawn Novak came to the grade 9 and 10 fitness classes to talk with them about healthy relationships and what abuse in a relationship is. She began by sharing her daughter Natalie’s story of abuse and eventual murder from an unhealthy relationship with a short film that commemorates her loss. She then went on to define what a healthy relationship looks like in contrast to an unhealthy one.

Abuse in a relationship is not an uncommon occurrence, and it does not only happen to people far from us. It could be someone you know, such as Natalie, who graduated from BMLSS in 2003. One grade nine student felt it was good to have her there instead of someone who could only speculate about what could happen in an abusive relationship. “They’re in a position to teach. Not only had they gone through it but they also healed. It’s easier to relate to somebody that actually went through it. She did a really good job at not getting too deep. I think it was good to see that.”

An idea that Mrs. Novak could not stress enough was that it is not the victim’s fault for having an unhealthy or abusive relationship. After her presentation was finished, one of our Grade 10 students asked if she thought an unhealthy relationship could become healthy again. Her answer was yes, if all parties involved were willing to compromise and share control, respect boundaries and one another.

While some students may forget about this visit, others may remember. If you or a friend have questions about dating violence or reporting dating violence don’t hesitate to talk to the guid-ance counselors or your parents and we urge you to visit

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